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Works with farmworkers and their families to reduce and eliminate their exposures to pesticides.
Because HCV-infection is usually silent until very late in the course of the disease, awareness and education are essential to identify infected individuals and encourage them to seek medical attention.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the federal agency responsible for environmental protection.
The goal of the Texas Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Services is to reduce mortality from breast cancer and cervical cancer in Texas. This site links to all BCCP providers in TX and other states. You can find referral sites for mammograms and Pap?s
Sample nursing protocol for patients needing nebulization.
To safeguard investments by distributing tasks related to investments to more than one individual.
A production from American Radio Works that focuses on the impact of Latino immigration in America. It's sinking in among Americans that the nation's largest wave of immigration did not happen a century ago. It's happening now. About 35 million of us were born in other countries. That's one in eight residents of the United States. Immigrants come from all over the globe, but Latino immigration is remaking the country. And not just on the coasts and in the Southwest.

This article pubished in Modern Healthcare Online, October, 2008 discusses the role of physicians in Federally Funded Health Clinics. The opening paragraph of the article states "Community health centers that serve low-income and uninsured patients have always been a landing spot for mission-driven physicians. Now they have also become a haven for some who are feeling squeezed by malpractice insurance costs and other dministrative burdens of private practice."


The Rhode Island Cancer Control tracks cancer trends through the RI Cancer Registry, develops plans to fight cancer in RI, helps people prevent cancer with healthy lifestyles, promotes cancer screening, to find cancer when it can be cured, and provides free mammograms and Pap tests for women of low income.