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Haz-Map® is an occupational health database designed for health and safety professionals and for consumers seeking information about the adverse effects of workplace exposures to chemical and biological agents. The main links in Haz-Map are between chemicals and occupational diseases. These links have been established using current scientific evidence.

Highlights of MCN's services and programs in action during 2015!

Available in English and Spanish.


In May 2015, Zika virus was reported to be circulating in Brazil. This was the first identified introduction of the virus in the Region of the Americas. Since that time, Zika virus has rapidly spread throughout the region. As of April 20, 2016, the Florida Department of Health Bureau of Public Health Laboratories (BPHL) has tested specimens from 913 persons who met state criteria for Zika virus testing. Among these 913 persons, 91 met confirmed or probable Zika virus disease case criteria and all cases were travel-associated (1).

Juan Abre los Ojos

Este libro comic nos cuenta cómo Juan aprendió a protegerse de los pesticidas en el trabajo. Este recurso presenta de una manera muy sencilla y amena cuáles son las fuentes de exposición a los pesticidas, sus efectos en el cuerpo a corto y largo plazo y qué se puede hacer para protegerse de éstos. ¡Es un gran recurso para trabajadores del campo y promotores de salud!

This is a resource that connects busy primary care professionals with each other—and with practical ways to improve care and financial performance. Each week, you’ll find a story that highlights evidence-based strategies and solutions that have worked in primary care setting like yours. You’ll also discover exciting opportunities to engage with your colleagues and work with researchers to explore new innovations in primary care.

NACHC’s new FAQ runs down a number of additional resources not covered here, specifically tailored for health centers.