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National Center for Cultural Competence has designed the CCHPA to promote cultural competence as an essential approach for practitioners in the elimination of health disparities among racial and ethnic groups.
Environmental Working Group conducts research on health and the environment.
BCCP guidelines and leigibility. List of participating clinics by county. 888-6-HEALTH
A 54-page telephone traige protocol for basic pediatric conditions. If you have any questions about specific protocols, check the American Academy of Pediatrics website for their clinical Practice Guidelines at the following address.
Sample protocol for the assessment and treatment of head lice.
Fixed assets are debited for capital expenditures incurred or assets donated. Donated assets are recorded at market value at the time of acquisition.
This position paper provides critical information that clarifies standard hepatitis screening and vaccination recommendations for these populations. New updated version July 2008.
This website offers some free online lessons which teach basic Spanish concepts. More detailed and advanced lessons can be purchased on CDs from the website.

A core set of information appropriate for reviewing the operation and performance of health centers.