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The state of Iowa has been experiencing a large outbreak of mumps that began in December 2005 (1). The majority of cases are occurring among persons 18-25 years of age, many of whom are vaccinated. Additional cases of mumps, possibly linked to the Iowa outbreak, are also under investigation in eight neighboring states, including Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, and Wisconsin.

Methods for the disease control, OIE /World organization for Animal Health
Works with farmworkers and their families to reduce and eliminate their exposures to pesticides.
HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt today announced this tool that provides guidance for religious organizations, social service agencies that are faith-based and community organizations to plan for the impact of a pandemic on their organization and mission."The collaboration of faith-based and community organizations with public health agencies will be important in protecting the public if and when a pandemic occurs," Secretary Leavitt said. "These organizations provide vital support services and can help build awareness of the pandemic influenza threat. By working together now, we'll be better equipped to serve communities in the future."
Includes Avian Bird Flu information, avian influenza updates, prevention and treatmen
New safety and health guidance from OSHA alerts workers and employers about the hazards of avian flu and provides practical recommendations on ways to avoid sickness.
Information on disease in poultry, potential threat to humans, biosecurity measures, etc.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Animal Production & Health Division
Provides information on the transmission of the disease to mammalian pets and pet birds, etc.
Foreign Animal Diseases "The Gray Book", Part IV History, host range, geographic distribution, transmission, clinical signs, etc.
Urgent Need to eliminate the Animal Reservoir - Science Daily: Information on the disease in humans and reservoir of the disease.
Go to the American Lung Association website to find local flu shot locations.
What’s new: For the latest Flu news from CDC