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Five on Friday: RSV Rising in Southeastern US

   Five on Friday: RSV Rising in Southeastern US

Welcome back to Five on Friday! Here, we gather five pieces relevant to our work that MCN staff shared this week, including one weekly win.


bar dividerAn image of a hurricane

Kim shared this CNN article, featuring MCN partner Resilience Force. Some Workers who Rebuild Homes after Hurricanes Are Afraid to Go to Florida. They Blame a Law DeSantis Championed

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An illustration of lungs

RSV is already surging, at least in the southeast. Elizabeth thought we would be interested in this story from KXAN Austin via MSN. RSV Rising in One US Region, CDC Issues Alert

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a picture of the desert

Migrant smuggling has always been dangerous; this summer’s heat makes it more so. Claire offered this PBS NewsHour article originally from AP. Smugglers Are Steering Migrants into the Hot Arizona Desert, Posing New Border Patrol Challenges

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A person wearing a face mask

Still hearing misinformation about masks? Kaethe forwarded on this BMJ article, where researchers found that “non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) were ‘unequivocally’ effective when rolled out in tandem during the covid pandemic and led to ‘powerful, effective and prolonged reductions in viral transmission.’”  COVID-19: Lockdowns and Masks Helped Reduce Transmission, Expert Group Finds

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 The rio grande river

Weekly Win: Robert forwarded on the Politico article on the floating buoys at the US-Mexico border that unnecessarily endangers the health and well-being of people trying to cross the Rio Grande. Judge orders Texas to remove disputed river border buoys by Sept. 15

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Have a safe and healthy weekend!