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This website, owned by SIL International, provides detailed background information about less common languages.  Many of the indigenous languages have profiles. 

Note: Wikipedia also contains a variety of sites describing the basic characteristics of each of the indigenous languages. 

Western NC Workers Center:  Located in Morganton, North Carolina, the Western NC Workers Center is a non-profit group of community organizers.  This organization currently has a number of outreach and education projects which work to uphold the rights of immigrant and low wage employees in Western North Carolina.  They also work with high levels of Guatemalan immigrants who speak indigenous languages.  One of their projects designed to reach indigenous language speakers is their Promotora Education project, which uses scenario picture books without words to educate low literacy populations about health and work safety. 


Francisco Risso                                                                                                                (828) 432-5080                                                                                                   

Mayan Ministries:  Organized through the Diocese of Palm Beach in Florida, Maya Ministries works to address the needs of Mayan immigrants to the area.  These Mayan workers speak up to 25 different dialects of Mayan indigenous languages, but most can speak Spanish as well.  The organization’s main services are literacy programs for families, adult education programs, and early childhood education programs for children who have English as a second language.  They also offer a variety of social services referrals and translating specifically for Mayan immigrants.  They have a Literacy Program funded by the Department of Education that was written in the Mayan indigenous language Canjobal. 


Contact Information:

1615 Lake Ave.
P.O. Box 209 
Lake Worth, Fl 33460-0209

General information:

To provide initial prenatal education (prior to referral for pregnancy management) for patients with pregnancy diagnosed at the Lake Superior Community Health Center.

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To provide easily accessible immunizations, reduce patient waiting time, and assure quality of service in provision of immunizations.

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A useful resource for health professionals interested in the health effects of exposure to specific chemicals and hazardous substances.

A training guide for Promotor(a) programs from Migrant Health Promotion.

This planning tool helps hospitals predict the pattern of casualty severity, and their capacity to provide care after a mass casualty event.

The first section of the document is tailored to each Collaborative Topic (diabetes, cancer, etc.) with suggestions for how CHWs can promote significant outcomes within a variety of measures. The second section includes a grid describing roles for CHWs in five of six components of the Chronic Care Model, aligned with already-established Change Concepts such as "Set and document self-management goals collaboratively with patients." For each Change Concept, a number of high-potential Change Ideas are presented.
This guide provides recommendations for offering vaccines to non high-risk recently arrived Mexican immigrants, by age, to bring them up to date with the US recommendations.
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Guidelines endorsed in May 2007 by the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics.

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Appropriate information and training empower midwives and other health workers to provide the care needed to reduce dangers in childbirth. Developed with the participation of dozens of community-based midwives, midwifery trainers, and medical specialists, Hesperian's new edition of Un libro para parteras/A Book for Midwives has been reorganized and extensively revised to better support care during labor and management of obstetric emergencies, and expanded to include lifesaving reproductive health information.
The ADA Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Toolkit is meant to assist healthcare professionals in educating patients on topics related to diabetic cardiovascular disease. The toolkit offers handouts in both English and Spanish.
We would like to draw your attention to a new Self-Management Support resource. The Assessment of Primary Care Resources and Supports for Chronic Disease Self Management (PCRS) is a tool developed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Diabetes Initiative to further define the elements of self management support in primary care. Its purpose is to facilitate quality improvement in this component of the chronic care model. Also available is a PowerPoint presentation that provides some background and information on how to use and score the PCRS Tool. Many thanks to Carol Brownson from the Diabetes Initiative( for sharing this great resource with the Health Disparities Collaboratives community!
The Texas Diabetes Council offers the Diabetes Tool Kit—a teaching aid for health care professionals who work with people who have diabetes. The Tool Kit includes patient education handouts in English and Spanish, which can be reproduced. The handouts address managing sick days, monitoring diabetes in pregnancy, developing an exercise program, and other important topics.
The "Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and vaccination" was updated to reflect changes made to ACIP's recommendations that expand the definition of who is eligible to receive hepatitis B vaccine.
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An epidemic of obesity-related diabetes is sweeping across the United States and has begun its spread to the rest of the world. In 1998, the Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) Diabetes Program launched the Diabetes Track II project to address this issue in the migrant population. Track II provides continuity of care for mobile individuals through transferring medical records and offering remote care coordination. Track II: Continuous Diabetes Care for Migrant Workers is a english/spanish resource.

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To assist in the delivery of primary care practice. They have been developed by a panel of experts through an open, peer-reviewed process to assure that they are complete, accurate and consistent with the current state of knowledge on diabetes treatment.
Highlights approximately 40 HRSA-supported projects on the critical subject of cross-cultural health care. HRSA has provided exceptional leadership in helping health care providers enhance their clinical and organizational skills in cultural competence. As a result, the quality of cultural and linguistically appropriate services that HRSA provides to its diverse constituents has vastly improved.
Recommended immunization schedule for persons aged 0-18 years and the catch-up immunization schedule for 2007 includes HPV and Rotavirus vaccines.
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Studies indicate that migrant and seasonal farmworkers often use herbal, home, or folk remedies instead of or simultaneously with conventional medical treatment. It is important to know when an herbal remedy should be discontinued, as well as those that need not be. Health care providers can gain substantial rapport with their patients by being open to the use of herbal remedies when appropriate. This resource is now over 20 years old, but much of the information is still relevant to current practice.

This checklist is intended to heighten the awareness and sensitivity of personnel to the importance of cultural and linguistic cultural competence in health, mental health and human service settings. It provides concrete examples of the kinds of beliefs, attitudes, values and practices which foster cultural and linguistic competence at the individual or practitioner level.
This tool by the NM state health department is a nice simple grid to use for decisions by risk group on who to immunize for hepatitis A and B and test for hepatitis A, B, and C.
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Objective, science-based information about pesticides - written for the non-expert.

Outlines the knowledge and skills that health professionals need to have about pesticides. This document is part of a national initiative aimed at ensuring that pesticides issues become integral elements of education and practice of primary care providers. English and Spanish

National Center for Cultural Competence has designed the CCHPA to promote cultural competence as an essential approach for practitioners in the elimination of health disparities among racial and ethnic groups.
Fourth primer in the AMA's series Roadmaps for Clinical Practice. A collaborative endeavor between the AMA and CDC, the Roadmaps series is _intended to help physicians adapt to changes in the medical environment and integrate disease prevention and health promotion into routine clinical care.