EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water offers information about the regulations and programs developed under the Safe Drinking Water Act, federal and state contacts for further information, and drinking water publications.
CDC Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program - offers screening, research and surveillance information.
U.S. Geological Survey provides information on ground and surface water.
Lead Programs - information on EPA and other federal lead poisoning prevention programs.
National Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Parasitic Diseases - Provides overview of numerous water-borne and sanitation related diseases.
The Local drinking water quality information: Local water suppliers are mandated to provide consumers with a confidence report that tells where water comes from and what is in it.
Alliance for Healthy Homes - a public interest organization with excellent resources on lead poisoning and prevention including community tool kits.
A non-profit agency promoting eye care for underserved communities. Provides trainings on primary eye care and use of the Focometer.
Free breast and cervical cancer screening services to medicaly underserved. They also provide some treatment assistance.
Legal advice for cancer patients. 213-736-1455
Locate updated cancer education material and find states that provide financial assistance.
This site includes a comprehensive listing of complete cancer services.
Find information on prescription drugs, health care, utilities, and other essential cancer related material.
The Global Fund was created to finance a dramatic turn-around in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These diseases kill over 6 million people each year, and the numbers are growing.