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Clinics which treat mobile patients with diabetes can now count on a clinical oversight system that can help prevent diabetes-related complications by providing self-management support, education and referral.
A community-based program whose mission is to promote the health of Texans by increasing awareness and opportunities for individuals to engage in regular physical activity, including walking, and has How-To instruction manuals on how to start such a walking or biking program in any community.
a multidisciplinary unit of The University of Michigan Health System. It has been funded by the National Institutes of Health since 1977 and is one of five centers in the United States.
This site provides valuable information and resources to help people with diabetes lower their A1C and better manage their diabetes.
An inspirational mentoring program that brings together diabetes patients who are successfully managing their diabetes with patients who are striving to do the same.
Online community for kids, families and adults with diabetes.
A resource for online diabetes care that provides traditional and innovative products and services for the treatment of diabetes.
This site promotes the quality of life for people with diabetes through exercise and physical fitness.
An on-line community to help increase diabetes knowledge and help diabetes patients better manage their disease.
This site provides information and support for adults and children with diabetes and their families interested in insulin pump therapy.
A national education campaign to help the diabetes community reach and stay at blood glucose goals.
A free downloadable desktop application to track important health information such as daily blood sugar readings without going online.
An organization dedicated to finding a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research.
A service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK), NIH
A grassroots, empowerment model providing people with diabetes the tools they need to communicate with their health care provider, encourage consumer independence and stimulate community action to create awareness of the need and advantages of quality diabetes care within diverse community settings.
Resources/tools/guidelines/curriculum for diabetes prevention programs, etc. that are free and downloadable.
Resources related to the prevention and control of diabetes can be found in the categories.
Take Charge of your Diabetes(English 2003 and Spanish 2004) A variety of diabetes related publications and products.
Eligible veterans and their dependents may receive cancer treatment at a Veterans Administration Medical Center. Treatment for service-connected conditions is provided, and treatment for other conditions may be available based on the veterans financial need.
Offers youth and those who care about them, confidential, non-judgmental and non-threatening access to the services they need with absolutely no strings attached.SCV Youth Project, Inc.20880 Centre Pointe Pkwy.Santa Clarita, CA 91350800-920-9688

About 45 farmworkers harvesting fruit in the orchards of the San Joaquin Delta in California were exposed to Di-Syston, an acutely toxic organophosphate pesticide, sprayed by a crop duster treating a nearby asparagus field, according a Sacramento Bee article published on September 22, 2006.

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Completion of the web-based education course is required for all investigators and research team members, regardless of the source or type of funding.Recertification is required every 3 years after initial certification. Researchers must take the Basic Course for your Learner Group for recertification. After this, you are only required to complete the Refresher Course for recertification. Recertification is required every 3 years.