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The first website in Spanish of its kind to help consumers take control of their health care by connecting them to new information and resources that will help them access quality, affordable health care coverage. President Obama wrote an op-ed in La Opinion and El Diario La Prensa today that highlights the website and the importance of health reform to the Latino community.

The Texas After Violence Project is an independent narrative and human rights project. They:

  1. listen empathetically and without judgment to people directly touched by serious violence or other serious human rights violations, the criminal justice system, incarceration, and executions in Texas; 
  2. digitally record and transcribe these narratives;
  3. share the recordings and transcriptions to the extent, at the time, and in the manner to which individual narrators consent; so that we may
  4. promote collective, critical, and constructive conversations in which communities develop more effective, just, and compassionate ways to both prevent and respond to violence.

They work toward a more just and less violent Texas: a society that recognizes and affirms the dignity and value of every human being.

Health Outreach Partners’ fourth national needs assessment of farmworker health outreach. This groundbreaking report provides a compelling summary of national data focused solely on farmworker outreach programs and the farmworker communities they serve. This is the only project of its kind that provides a national snapshot on the needs of farmworker health outreach programs.  Attached you will find a press release with additional details concerning this important report.

We encourage you to share this report with your peers by:

  • Posting a link to the report in the “news” or “resource” sections of your website;
  • Circulating the attached press release via your listservs; and/or
  • Announcing this report in your upcoming organizational newsletter.

The valuable data included in this report can be leveraged for reporting purposes, funding proposals, program planning, and advocacy efforts to benefit the migrant and seasonal farmworker population.

This flyer discusses diabetes and exercise. Available in Spanish and English.

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A one-page resource that describes the connection between diabetes and high blood pressure. Available in Spanish and English.

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The Fresno County Website Community Health page offers information and resources on Pertussis also known as the Whooping Cough. Content includes information for parents, vaccination schedules and respitory hygiene, information for health care providers, and information for schools.

This brochure was created by the Migrant Clinicians Network Diabetes Program with funding from the Texas Department of Health Diabetes Program / Council. Brochure details basic information on Acanthosis Nigricans. Available in Spanish and English.

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A comprehensive lung cancer tool & information portal. Research Guide on Malignant Mesothelioma Lung Cancer and Asbestos Topics including types of Cancer, treatment options, Hazardous Careers at risk of asbestos exposure, clinical trials and more.

OSHA facts sheet and guidance for commercial swine farmers and pork producers.  Bilingual "quick card" to assist with worker protection. 





California Department of Public Health, Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control has identified several cases of mercury toxicity linked to the use of adulterated, unlabelled face creams in the Latino community.  

Research projects and studies conducted by the Pacific Northwest Agricultural Health and Safety Center at the University of Washington.

A bilingual training kit for community health workers to educate families about in home pesticide safety.  Includes a step-by-step facilitator guide with handouts and a power point slide slow.  Developed by the Center for Environmental Resource Management at UTEP for US-Mexico border residents.


Un paquete bilingue para ayudar a trabajadores comunitarios de la salud a educar familias sobre la forma segura de usar pesticidas en el hogar.  Hay instrucciones paso a paso, los materiales para distribuir y la presentación para mostrarse estan disponibles en Español. Estas pláticas se enfocan a los residentes de la frontera EU-México y fue realizado por el Centro para la Administración de Recursos Ambientales de la Universidad de Texas en El Paso.

A core set of information appropriate for reviewing the operation and performance of health centers.

To address the critical need for relevant information about the Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker (MSFW) population nationwide, the Migrant Clinicians Network developed an innovative project to test a set of methodologies for collecting and analyzing MSFW data. The methods used in this project will enhance planning capability for health services by gathering up-to-date, locally specific descriptive profiles of the MSFW population eligible for health care services and provide a mechanism to determine future trends that can affect health services delivery and formulation of health care plans, staffing decisions, outreach activities, preventive care emphases, budgeting and appropriate service hours. The methodologies tested employ systems that can be self-sustaining, providing continual, timely updates at a local level where such information is most useful. The systems foster collaboration between local service providers, encouraging Migrant Health Centers (MHCs) and others who serve the MSFW population to work together to share information which can be beneficial to all.

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A complete list of questions and answers on HPV Vaccine from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Schedules lists the ages (birth through 6 years old and 7 through 18 years old) for when each vaccine or series of shots is to be given. If your child or adolescent has missed any shots, consult the catch-up schedule AND check with your doctor about getting back on track. is committed to providing the latest, up-to-date information to our visitors in the hopes of spreading awareness about the dangers of asbestos cancer. This website offers a one-stop resource on all asbestos issues ranging from occupational exposure to mesothelioma treatment options.

These guidelines are aimed at integrating environmental management of asthma into pediatric health care. Offers clinical competencies in environmental health relevant to pediatric asthma and outlines the environmental interventions to communicate to patients.

This table for healthcare providers and planners provides information related to spacing between the two doses of 2009 H1N1 vaccine for children 6 months through 9 years of age and for administration of 2009 H1N1 vaccine with seasonal influenza and other vaccines.

This table for healthcare providers and planners provides information related to spacing between the two doses of 2009 H1N1 Vaccine for children 6 months through 9 years of age.

This table for healthcare providers and planners provides information related to administration of 2009 H1N1 vaccine with seasonal influenza and other vaccines.

Looking for complete and dependable information in plain language about heart, lung, and blood diseases and sleep disorders in Spanish? Check out the NHLBI's Spanish-language topics on the Diseases and Conditions Index (DCI)

An interactive lead case study by Susan Buchanan, MD, Linda Forst, MD, MPH, and Anne Evens, MS.

Photonovelas in English and Spanish. Produced by the North Carolina Farmworker Project.

The Lancet's H1N1 Resource Center is a collaborative effort by the editors of over 40 Elsevier-published journals and 11 learned societies who have agreed to make freely available on this site any relevant content. All papers have been selected by a Lancet editor, grouped by topic and fulltext pdfs made available to download free of charge.
Charles W. Schmidt, Swine CAFOs & Novel H1N1 Flu: Separating Facts from Fears, Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 117, Number 9, September 2009

A broken system leaves immigrant workers invisible -- and in danger. High Country News, 8/2009