Online Job Bank. You may contact them at: 7200 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 210, Bethesda, MD 20814. Phone: 301-347-0400, Fax: 301-347-0459
Provides information on communities that are currently recruiting primary care clinicians and is not exclusive to NHSC Scholars and those interested in the NHSC Loan Repayment Program.
Operates an online job bank
is a student-governed, national organization representing the concerns of physicians-in-training.
An epidemic of obesity-related diabetes is sweeping across the United States and has begun its spread to the rest of the world. In 1998, the Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) Diabetes Program launched the Diabetes Track II project to address this issue in the migrant population. Track II provides continuity of care for mobile individuals through transferring medical records and offering remote care coordination. Track II: Continuous Diabetes Care for Migrant Workers is a english/spanish resource.
- MCN_Track_II_Continuous_Diabetes_mono.pdf (488.38 KB)
If you are interested in a clinical job posting with a community health center in AK, ID, OR or WA, please visit our clinical job listing to search for positions and upload your information.
- HepBTesting_Vaccination012007.pdf (79.35 KB)
AHECs (Area Health Education Centers) and HETCs (Health Education Training Centers) have regional offices which provide community placements, service learning opportunities and clinical experiences for medical, dental, physician assistant, nursing, pharmacy and allied health students in rural and urban underserved communities. Programs also focus on recruitment, placement, and retention activities to address community and state health care workforce needs.