Provides short-term relief and development assistance to economically disadvantaged people and victims of disaster throughout the world. In the United States, Operation Blessing International focuses on providing food, clothing and other material assistance to inner-city and rural families facing financial hardship.
On this web site you will find a breast health center, action center, map of hope, petitions, message boards, newsletter, a breast cancer glossary, facts and different resources. This web site also has Spanish information.
- NMprotocol.pdf (64.31 KB)
Objective, science-based information about pesticides - written for the non-expert.
Outlines the knowledge and skills that health professionals need to have about pesticides. This document is part of a national initiative aimed at ensuring that pesticides issues become integral elements of education and practice of primary care providers. English and Spanish
- NEETFPesticidePracticeGuidelines.pdf (2.04 MB)
- NEETFHabilidadesParaLaPracticaPesticidas.pdf (668.29 KB)