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U.S. Geological Survey provides information on ground and surface water.

National Center for Infectious Diseases, Division of Parasitic Diseases - Provides overview of numerous water-borne and sanitation related diseases.

The Local drinking water quality information: Local water suppliers are mandated to provide consumers with a confidence report that tells where water comes from and what is in it.

Module Two of MCN's educational offering "Adolescent Farmworkers at Risk" focuses on cultural competency in practice. Earn continuing education creditswhile learning more about this important topic.

A non-profit agency promoting eye care for underserved communities. Provides trainings on primary eye care and use of the Focometer.

Free breast and cervical cancer screening services to medicaly underserved. They also provide some treatment assistance.

Barnga is a staff simulation activity that emphasizes the power of subtle differences in culture as they effect communication.
Families/Familias Saludables: 8 week curricula focusing on prevention of domestic violence 831-722-4532

The Global Fund was created to finance a dramatic turn-around in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. These diseases kill over 6 million people each year, and the numbers are growing.

HAPA- Hombres Autoresponsables para Parar el Abuso: Small group intervention for abusers consisting of 24 weekly group sessions. 541-386-4880

Sequella is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company focused on commercializing improved treatment paradigms for diseases of epidemic potential.

A nonprofit, community-based legal and social service agency serving the low-income Latino and foreign-born community in the D.C. metropolitan area. 202-387-2870

Legal Momentum advances the rights of women and girls by using the power of the law and creating innovative public policy.

  • 202-544-4470
  • LDEF Helpline: 212-925-6635
You can use this site to find a wealth of information about clinical research, including listings of more than 41,000 active industry and government-sponsored clinical trials, as well as new drug therapies in research and those recently approved by the FDA. 617-856-5900
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