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To insure that anyone filing a complaint concerning a suspected ethics violation pertaining to acts in good faith

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To guide corporate response in the event that one of its representatives, is served with a court order in the form of subpoena, search warrant, or writ of attachment.

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To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payments for support services and fees.
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To safeguard resources through proper actions related to property and equipment.
To outline the procedures for reimbursing employees.
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To safeguard finances through proper documentation of expenditures related to purchasing.
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To document the receipt of donations or funding.
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To safeguard finances through the proper documentation of products or supplies received.
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To avoid impropriety, or the perception of impropriety, as the result of accepting gifts from individuals or organizations.

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To safeguard handling of checks.
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To provide information about past employment with to new or prospective employers.

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To safeguard the handling of cash received as a donation or payment for goods
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To clarify staff responsibilities about mandatory reporting of abuse of a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual.

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To reconcile bank statements with records
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To clarify procedures for payroll and reporting hours.

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To reconcile anticipated income and expenses with actual income and expenses.
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To comply with all federal, state, and other tax laws.
To safeguard finances through proper allocation of payroll.
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To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payroll.
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To incorporate new employees, or changes to employee information, into the payroll system.
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To delineate the deductions which are made from employee paychecks.

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To maintain and safeguard petty cash available for use.
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To provide employees with a process for receiving regular feedback about their performance and to provide a standardized way for employees to make plans for their professional development.

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To maintain status as an independent, non-partisan organization.

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To delineate the acceptable and unacceptable personal uses of resources.

To maintain comprehensive, organized personnel files for all staff members.

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To maintain a professional business atmosphere.

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To provide employees with funds for Professional Development and continuing education.

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To safeguard finances through proper documentation of payments for goods or services.
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To orient new staff members to corporate culture and policies as well as specific job functions.

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