The information that follows is an overview of this type of cancer. It is based on the more detailed information in American Cancer Society's document, Cervical Cancer. This document and other information can be obtained by calling 1-800-227-2345 or visiting our Web site at
- CervicalCancerEnglish_0.pdf (125.74 KB)
- CervicalCancerSpanish_0.pdf (171.83 KB)
Patient education handout in English and Spanish on colorectal cancer from the American Cancer Society.
- ColorectalCancerEnglish_0.pdf (358.53 KB)
- ColorectalCancerSpanish_0.pdf (185.35 KB)
By Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
© 2006 by the American Cancer Society, Inc. Also available at
- ACS_mammogram-spanish_0.pdf (98.94 KB)
These county level guides provide a wealth of resources and information for low-income and uninsured cancer patients in Texas. The guides are all written in Spanish. Currently we have guides for the following Texas counties: Bexar, Dallas, El Paso, Maverick, Travis, Webb and Zavala.
- AccesoBexarCountyEspanol_0.pdf (219.06 KB)
- AccesoDallasCountyEspanol_1.pdf (181.66 KB)
- AccesoElPasoEspanol_0.pdf (192.51 KB)
- AccesoMaverickCountyEspanol_0.pdf (168.19 KB)
- AccesoTravisCountyEspanol_0.pdf (198.06 KB)
- AccesoWebbCountyEspanol_0.pdf (172.17 KB)
- AccesoZavalaEspanol_0.pdf (187.96 KB)
One-page resources on prostate cancer in English and Spanish from the American Cancer Society.
- ProstateEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (56.11 KB)
Spanish patient education resources on oral cancer and smoking cessation.
- OralCancerTake5SpanishOnly_0.pdf (747.64 KB)
One-page patient education on Pap Tests in English and Spanish from the American Cancer Society.
- PapEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (199.37 KB)
One-page patient education tool on colonoscopy from the American Cancer Society.
- ColonEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (201.9 KB)
One-page patient education about mammograms in English and Spanish from the American Cancer Society.
- MammogramEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (201.03 KB)
One-page patient education handout in English and Spanish with tips for how to quit smoking from the American Cancer Society.
- CessationEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (227.51 KB)
Crafting a policy-relevant research agenda for patient navigation in cancer care.
Journal: Cancer, 117: 3563–3572. doi: 10.1002/cncr.26269
Authors: B. Ashleigh Guadagnolo MD, MPH, Daniel Dohan PhD, Peter Raich MD
Article first published online: 20 JUL 2011
Racial and ethnic minorities as well as other vulnerable populations experience disparate cancer-related health outcomes. Patient navigation is an emerging health care delivery innovation that offers promise in improving quality of cancer care delivery to these patients who experience unique health-access barriers. Metrics are needed to evaluate whether patient navigation can improve quality of care delivery, health outcomes, and overall value in health care during diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
Information regarding the current state of the science examining patient navigation interventions was gathered via search of the published scientific literature. A focus group of providers, patient navigators, and health-policy experts was convened as part of the Patient Navigation Leadership Summit sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Key metrics were identified for assessing the efficacy of patient navigation in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Patient navigation data exist for all stages of cancer care; however, the literature is more robust for its implementation during prevention, screening, and early diagnostic workup of cancer. Relatively fewer data are reported for outcomes and efficacy of patient navigation during cancer treatment. Metrics are proposed for a policy-relevant research agenda to evaluate the efficacy of patient navigation in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Patient navigation is understudied with respect to its use in cancer diagnosis and treatment. Core metrics are defined to evaluate its efficacy in improving outcomes and mitigating health-access barriers.
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that occurs in the lungs. In addition to affecting the lungs, it can also result in complications that affect the heart and the abdomen. Every year, there are as many as 3,000 people diagnosed with mesothelioma. Men are four times more likely than women to be diagnosed with mesothelioma, and with the exception of benign mesothelioma all forms of the disease are terminal
Program information for counties of Wicomico, Somerset, or Worcester residents. Supported by a Grant from the Maryland Affiliate of Susan G. Koman for the Cure this presentation outlines eligibility for the Koman Program, what the Koman Program provides, documentation, and who to refer clients to.
- WicomicoCounty.ppt (3.31 MB)
The mission of Breast Cancer Network of Strength is to ensure, through information, empowerment and peer support, that no one faces breast cancer alone. Support programs, outreach programs, breast health workshops, wigs and prostheses banks for women with limited resources. 1-800-221-2141 (interpreters in 150 languages). (Formerly known as Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization)
The Ralph Lauren Center for Cancer Care and Prevention is a community based Center for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer through new models of patient care, research, education and outreach designed to address the unique needs of the community. The Center, made possible by a generous gift from the Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation, is a partnership between Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and North General Hospital. Located in East Harlem, New York, its patient’s rights include making cancer screening and treatment available to all. The center also offers a Patient Navigation System for helping people overcome all obstacles on the path to receiving cancer screening, treatment and supportive care. We assign everyone who walks through our doors a patient navigator—their personal guide, advocate and problem-solver.
The Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program (BCCS) offers clinical breast examinations, mammograms, pelvic examinations, and Pap tests throughout Texas at no or low-cost to eligible women. BCCS is partly funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP). Congress established the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program in 1991 by enacting the Breast and Cervical Cancer Mortality Prevention Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-354). NBCCEDP was reauthorized in April 2007.
Produces "The Funletter," a national activities letter for kids and families living with cancer. Address: c/o Kenon Neal PO Box 4545 Santa Barbara, CA 93140
Free cancer educational material from the National Cancer Institute