- PPDAdminRecord.pdf (451.48 KB)
- MedicalRecordsPolicy.pdf (1.16 MB)
- 344_VaccineAdminRecord.pdf (590.58 KB)
Sample clinic policy to identify what constitutes or defines "normal" when a particular exam is identified as normal or within normal limits.
- 218_NormalExamStandards.doc (20.5 KB)
A reprint from Family Practice Management (January 2003) with a quick chart outlining a policy for how long to keep patient records.
- 104_KeepingOldPatientRecords.pdf (82.59 KB)
Clinic policy on how and when to transmit patient medical records.
- 196_ElectronicTransmitRecords.doc (23.5 KB)
The purpose of the Patient Discharge from Practice Policy is to direct a mechanism for review of cases where there is a serious breech in the responsibility of a patient to Cherry Street Health Services. The reviewers consist of the Medical Director and/or Dental Director and the Provider involved and any other staff involved in the case. The group may recommend a remedy, which may include the termination of the patient from the health center practice.
- 3.02.04 Discharge from Practice2.doc (33.5 KB)
A few sample dental chart review forms/templates.
- Chart review sheets.doc (127 KB)
- dentalpeerreviewform.pdf (345.57 KB)