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Welcome! The December 2004 edition of the Listserv focuses on hepatitis awareness and on screening tools for assessing risk factors and candidates for vaccination.

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Continuing with the information on interpreting vaccine schedules from Mexico in the May-June Listserv we offer the Migrant Clinician Network's new 2007 Mexican Migrant Guide: Recommended Vaccines for Recent Immigrants from Mexico, guide, and a vaccine equivalency chart for the state of Arizona. In addition, an important new resource, Health Care Language Services Implementation Guide is available through the Office of Minority Health.

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The first section of the document is tailored to each Collaborative Topic (diabetes, cancer, etc.) with suggestions for how CHWs can promote significant outcomes within a variety of measures. The second section includes a grid describing roles for CHWs in five of six components of the Chronic Care Model, aligned with already-established Change Concepts such as "Set and document self-management goals collaboratively with patients." For each Change Concept, a number of high-potential Change Ideas are presented.

1. HEPATITIS B FOUNDATION UPDATES NON-ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHAPTERS 2. Comparison of Costs for Hepatitis B Drug Therapy 3. MMWR Weekly May 12, 2006 / 55(18):509-511 Hepatitis B Vaccination Coverage Among Adults --- United States, 2004

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1. Review 2. Review 3. Hep Transmission Hot Spots 4. Hep Transmission Hot Spots

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1. Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Management: 2000-2005 Update. 2. Doc Eye for the Hep Guy: Management of HCV Treatment-Experienced Patients 3. Reference for Interpretation of HCV Test Results 4. “If you have hepatitis C, which vaccinations do you need?”

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1. An Overview of Drinking Water Quality and Water and Sanitation-Related Disease. 2. Agua que hay microbios: Una guia para el cuidado del agua e higiene en el hogar. 3. Una vida sana empieza si hay comida con limpieza: Una guia para el cuidado e higine de los almientos en el hogar. 4. Excerpts from Waterborne Illnesses CME/CE, Sussan K. Sutphen, MD, MEd

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1. Recruitment and Retention 2. Hablamos Juntos "We speak together" 3. The Cross Cultural Health Care Program 4. Roadmaps for Clinical Practice series - Improving Immunization

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We are sending you just one important resource for May and June, a guide for interpreting immunization schedules from Mexico, including Hepatitis B.

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Current News is our focus for March and April. The Surveillance Summary for Acute Viral Hepatitis released in March indicates declining rates of all three common types of Hepatitis, A, B. and C. Underlying the good news is the continuing importance of making sure that adults, especially in segments of the population still living outside of the reach of most health care systems, are screened, offered B vaccination, educated about risks, and tested as necessary.

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Appropriate information and training empower midwives and other health workers to provide the care needed to reduce dangers in childbirth. Developed with the participation of dozens of community-based midwives, midwifery trainers, and medical specialists, Hesperian's new edition of Un libro para parteras/A Book for Midwives has been reorganized and extensively revised to better support care during labor and management of obstetric emergencies, and expanded to include lifesaving reproductive health information.
This guide provides recommendations for offering vaccines to non high-risk recently arrived Mexican immigrants, by age, to bring them up to date with the US recommendations.
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Guidelines endorsed in May 2007 by the Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics.

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The ADA Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Toolkit is meant to assist healthcare professionals in educating patients on topics related to diabetic cardiovascular disease. The toolkit offers handouts in both English and Spanish.
We would like to draw your attention to a new Self-Management Support resource. The Assessment of Primary Care Resources and Supports for Chronic Disease Self Management (PCRS) is a tool developed by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Diabetes Initiative to further define the elements of self management support in primary care. Its purpose is to facilitate quality improvement in this component of the chronic care model. Also available is a PowerPoint presentation that provides some background and information on how to use and score the PCRS Tool. Many thanks to Carol Brownson from the Diabetes Initiative( for sharing this great resource with the Health Disparities Collaboratives community!

When we traveled across the country to visit your clinics, many of you expressed concerns about lack of funding for adult immunization and testing. Reprinted from the Immunization Action Coalition, we pass along an opportunity: IAC Express, Issue Number 642, January 24, 2007.

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This month's issue includes: 10 Charting Handout: A guide compiled by the HepTalk team to help you assess the risk assessment portion of your clinic’s forms. 2. Three articles regarding the effectiveness of charts, checklists, and other tools to increase preventive care. 3. Two articles regarding the use of EMR (electronic medical records).

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As the nation's action, advocacy, and research forum for Hispanic health and well being, the National Alliance for Hispanic Health informs and mobilizes consumers, supports health and human service providers in the delivery of quality care, improves the science base for accurate decision making by promoting better and more inclusive research, promotes appropriate use of technology, insures accountability and advocates on behalf of Hispanics, and promotes philanthropy.
The Texas Diabetes Council offers the Diabetes Tool Kit—a teaching aid for health care professionals who work with people who have diabetes. The Tool Kit includes patient education handouts in English and Spanish, which can be reproduced. The handouts address managing sick days, monitoring diabetes in pregnancy, developing an exercise program, and other important topics.
To assist in the delivery of primary care practice. They have been developed by a panel of experts through an open, peer-reviewed process to assure that they are complete, accurate and consistent with the current state of knowledge on diabetes treatment.

An epidemic of obesity-related diabetes is sweeping across the United States and has begun its spread to the rest of the world. In 1998, the Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN) Diabetes Program launched the Diabetes Track II project to address this issue in the migrant population. Track II provides continuity of care for mobile individuals through transferring medical records and offering remote care coordination. Track II: Continuous Diabetes Care for Migrant Workers is a english/spanish resource.

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To champion the cause of health care quality and to accelerate improvement in the value of the health care we deliver.
A non-for-profit organization leading the improvement of health care throughout the world.
The "Hepatitis B Facts: Testing and vaccination" was updated to reflect changes made to ACIP's recommendations that expand the definition of who is eligible to receive hepatitis B vaccine.
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