These resources from the Health Insurance Marketplace can be used to help direct clients to information about the Affordable Care Act.
This resource summarizes key points to bring up with your patients who have questions about ACA.
- 10-things-to-tell-your-patients.pdf (144.88 KB)
This resource from the Health Insurance Marketplace and the Health Services and Resources Administration provides a concise summary of key points that clinicians need to know about ACA.
- 10-things-providers-need-to-know.pdf (172.84 KB)
Families Talking Together (FTT) is an evidence based program designed to help Latino parents better communicate with their children and teens about healthy relationships, sex, contraceptive use, and preventing pregnancy. Dr. Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, the creator of the program and co-director of the Center for Latino Adolescent and Family Health at New York University’s Silver School of Social work, along with Planned Parenthood Los Angeles and Visión y Compromiso, recently enlisted 25 promotores (community health workers) from three communities in California with high rates of teen pregnancy and high percentages of Latinos in an effort to help Latino parents address teen pregnancy. Over a four-day period, the 25 promotores were trained to deliver the FTT intervention. In the next two months, the promotores will deliver the intervention to 250 families in California. The National Campaign wishes to recognize and thank Dr. Guilamo-Ramos, PPLA, and Visión y Compromiso for their work on this innovative and important project.
The FTT intervention—both the community health worker curriculum and parent materials---are available online, free of charge.
- FTT CHW Curriculum.pdf (2.41 MB)
Dramatic, visual and culturally relevant, fotonovelas are a successful means of communicating health information. The following fotonovela materials are downloadable.
Provided by Farmworker Justice
Dramatic, visual and culturally relevant, fotonovelas are a successful means of communicating health information. The following fotonovela materials are downloadable.
Provided by Farmworker Justice
Dramatic, visual and culturally relevant, fotonovelas are a successful means of communicating health information. The following fotonovela materials are downloadable.
Provided by Farmworker Justice
- Women and HIV-Comadre.pdf (7.98 MB)
- Women and HIV-Light at the Store_0.pdf (3.65 MB)
- Women and HIV-Married Women Can Get HIV Too.pdf (3.56 MB)
- Women and HIV-Reality.pdf (3.2 MB)
Two high-production value, Spanish radio public service announcements(PSAs) to promote HIV testing services at local agencies. One PSA targets men and the other women. Each PSA features a blank space for you to record your organization’s contact information. Provided by Farmworker Justice
The Diabetes and Healthy Eyes Toolkit provides community health workers with tools to inform people with diabetes about diabetic eye disease and maintaining healthy vision. The toolkit has a flipchart that is easy to use in community settings and can be incorporated into existing diabetes classes or information sessions. It is available in English andSpanish.
This website and training material were developed to give communities and promotores ways to help farm workers learn how to protect themselves from pesticide exposure.
The project and all materials on the website were developed by the California Poison Control System in collaboration with the the Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety at the University of California, Davis and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation.
- DPR_Facilitator_Manual_EN.pdf (4.77 MB)
- DPR_Participant_Manual_EN.pdf (4.91 MB)
New research out of Cornell University's College of Human Ecology found that low-income children of immigrants have much poorer health than low-income children of citizens, as reported in a special section of the journal Child Development.
!Cuídate! es un recurso educativo sobre la prevención de lesiones musculoesqueléticas en el trabajo. Este libro cómic está disponible en español, inglés y criollo haitiano.
- injury prevention SPANISH 2019.pdf (11.9 MB)
- injury prevention ENGLISH 2019.pdf (19.34 MB)
- injury prevention WEB CREOLE AUG 14 2019.pdf (12.77 MB)
The information that follows is an overview of this type of cancer. It is based on the more detailed information in American Cancer Society's document, Cervical Cancer. This document and other information can be obtained by calling 1-800-227-2345 or visiting our Web site at
- CervicalCancerEnglish_0.pdf (125.74 KB)
- CervicalCancerSpanish_0.pdf (171.83 KB)
Patient education handout in English and Spanish on colorectal cancer from the American Cancer Society.
- ColorectalCancerEnglish_0.pdf (358.53 KB)
- ColorectalCancerSpanish_0.pdf (185.35 KB)
Este libro cómico de MCN tiene por objeto reducir el riesgo de exposición a pesticidas de las mujeres que están en edad reproductiva. LO QUE BIEN EMPIEZA...BIEN ACABA: Consejos para las mujeres para prevenir daños a la salud y a sus bebés causados por pesticidas.
- lo que bien empiezacomic 2015-20mb.pdf (16.45 MB)
By Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
© 2006 by the American Cancer Society, Inc. Also available at
- ACS_mammogram-spanish_0.pdf (98.94 KB)
These county level guides provide a wealth of resources and information for low-income and uninsured cancer patients in Texas. The guides are all written in Spanish. Currently we have guides for the following Texas counties: Bexar, Dallas, El Paso, Maverick, Travis, Webb and Zavala.
- AccesoBexarCountyEspanol_0.pdf (219.06 KB)
- AccesoDallasCountyEspanol_1.pdf (181.66 KB)
- AccesoElPasoEspanol_0.pdf (192.51 KB)
- AccesoMaverickCountyEspanol_0.pdf (168.19 KB)
- AccesoTravisCountyEspanol_0.pdf (198.06 KB)
- AccesoWebbCountyEspanol_0.pdf (172.17 KB)
- AccesoZavalaEspanol_0.pdf (187.96 KB)
One-page resources on prostate cancer in English and Spanish from the American Cancer Society.
- ProstateEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (56.11 KB)
Spanish patient education resources on oral cancer and smoking cessation.
- OralCancerTake5SpanishOnly_0.pdf (747.64 KB)
One-page patient education on Pap Tests in English and Spanish from the American Cancer Society.
- PapEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (199.37 KB)
One-page patient education tool on colonoscopy from the American Cancer Society.
- ColonEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (201.9 KB)
One-page patient education about mammograms in English and Spanish from the American Cancer Society.
- MammogramEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (201.03 KB)
One-page patient education handout in English and Spanish with tips for how to quit smoking from the American Cancer Society.
- CessationEnglishSpanish_0.pdf (227.51 KB)